Massage services are listed by type. All Massages will be customized to suit your individual needs and expectations. All Massages can be scheduled for up to 2 hour excluding the thai foot & myofacial release massage which can be scheduled for up to 90 minutes.
The Chillax massage is designed to leave you in that zapped out mode of chillaxation. A combination of Swedish & relaxation techniques are used to help you unwind, de-stress & make you feel like sand slipping thru an hour glass.
This massage is the perfect starting place for those that have never had a massage, those that like relaxing massages or for those that prefer less pressure.
90 Minutes $120 / 120 Minutes $160
Thai foot massage can be for relaxation or to help with more specific problems such as neuropathy. It includes your feet & legs up to your knees. It stimulate blood and lymph circulation & may also help with head aches, migraines, insomnia and stress.
You stay completely clothed for this session, wear shorts that do not pass the knee.
We blend our own Thai massage lotion for each treatment consisting of wintergreen, camphor, ginger, clove and menthol essential oils.
90 Minutes $115
The Zone Therapeutic Massage is a Tailored Therapeutic Body Treatment. If you have a specific issue you need zoned in on or if you like more time or pressure in one area than another, this is the massage for you. Based on your specific needs, we will create your optimal treatment.
You can choose to discuss your problematic areas with your therapist prior to or during your session. Pressure will range based on your expressed preference.
90 Minutes $127.5 / 120 Minutes $170
The greatest benefit of sports massage is that it cuts down on sports-related injuries. It specifically alleviates muscle tension and inflammation post-event or work out, and provides a warm-up to loosen muscles for amateur and professional athletes pre-event or work out.
This massage is for athletes and active people of all kinds. Pressure can be mild to intense depending on muscle conditions & personal routines. Dynamic or static cupping can be added to increase curculation & loosen facia.
Deep tissue massage is used to help reduce chronic pain, aid in the break up of scar tissue & rehabilitate injured muscles. During the deep tissue stretch massage you will receive deep tissue work while being stretched.
Your therapist can always adjust the pressure to your comfort level while not varying from the technique.
You will most likely be tender after for a day or two. (Like you have had a really good work out).
30 Minutes $50 / 90 Minutes $150 / 120 Minutes $200
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility & pain. This therapy aims to relax contracted muscles, improve blood & lymphatic circulation, & stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles.
This massage is for those that have diagnosed Musculoskeletal disorders. Ask your Dr. as it may be covered by your Ins.
I use light to firm pressure to release your fascia systematically with gentle yet effective tissue stretching.
30 Min $60 / 90 Min $180
This session is 100% stretching and is all about enhancing mobility and lengthening your muscles to aid in the prevention of injury or to help assist in the recovery from past injuries.
Facilitated stretching, PNF Stretching, and Assisted Stretching are utilized to make sure you leave feeling as loose as a kitten & thoroughly balanced. This is recommended for those that need a good stretch or for your pre/post sporting event needs.
You stay completely clothed for this treatment. Wear loose fitting clothing such as tank tops, t-shirts, running shorts or yoga pants.
30 Minutes $39
You can choose any scrub scent or style (Salt/Sugar/Seed) we carry from Raw 33 Naked body scrubs. Simple scrubs can be made fresh for customers with sensative skin or allergies.
After prepping your skin with a dry brush, we will gently exfoliate your skin leaving you with a fresher, brighter moisturized layer.
Exfoliating prior to your sunless tanning is recommended, It will eliminate the dead skin barrier so your tan will look even and last longer.
You can do a partial Scrub & Tan Combo on any chosen portions of your body,
or a full Body Scrub and Tan Combo.
If time allows, I recommend you come in a day ahead for the scrub & return the following day for the spray tan.
Dry Brushing, Friction, Knuckling and Percussion work is used to diminish the appearance of cellulite while flushing it away.
This treatment is rigorous & at first very painful. Bruising most likely will occur. Waver forms need to be signed prior to purchasing treatments or packages.
Depending on the severity of cellulite appearance, results should be noticeable after the first 3 sessions.
Packages of 10 are recommended. 10 session Package price $600
The Chillax Massage and scrub of your choice are paired together for a gentle yet thoroughly Chillaxing exfoliating treatment.
I utilize a freshly made Shea butter & jojoba oil, sugar & seed scrub to make your freshly exfoliated skin feel extra moisturized & soft.
A little extra effort is put into this scrub that is designed for men. This scrub is created to smooth out the rough areas, such as elbows, hands and knees while also giving a deep exfoliation to the rest of the body leaving you polished like the armor of a knight.
Seasonal Specials
$80 Saving
$85 Savings
$85 Savings
$100 Savings
*All gift certificates / packages expire 1 year from date of purchase*
*No refunds after 30 days from the date of purchase.*
*Gift certificates and packages may be transferred.*